You know the classic story. It 'was boy meets girl and everyone lived happily ever after. There were more wisdom here, however, and this wisdom also applies to men and women.
This new wisdom is very important to invest in the stock market. As you read this, please keep in mind the original story.
Once upon a time there was very nice, very hard working young man. He worked and worked and worked, but did not seem too far. Enoughyoung men were faster progress than he.
Many of these young men were dressed in splendor, while all he had and dull gray suit. These young people were all elegant carriage pulled by beautiful horses. They had large houses, which were both beautiful inside and out.
The beautiful young ladies wanted to be masters in the company of this order than others, but none of the youngThe women wanted to spend time with him. He was very anxious to their wealth and their possessions and their popularity.
He thought a new life and exciting all day. He wanted and desired and wanted. One day will be tired, he asked one of the older men for some advice.
"It 's very simple," the man told him. "Take your savings and investments in the stock market. Good times we enjoy in this moment I am sure will last forever. If Want to make more money in the shortest time possible, make as many risks. "
And he did. He collaborates with his savings invested in high-risk ideas and let his profits into investment more risky and more risky they were.
His friend was right. Investments in high-risk ideas that had a fortune in a very short time. It was a desolate work turned into a gentleman of means. Well, he wantedClothing>, a big expensive house, and an elegant horse-drawn carriage through a better team.
The beautiful young ladies who had paid him any notice before, now found him attractive and desirable. They laughed at his jokes. Some even thought it was clever. Was delighted with his exciting new life.
On another matter, his friend seemed correct. He did look like the good times would last forever and forever. As this new money easily earned, not by the sweatthe front, but as if by magic, could equally well spent. He spent more time with wine, women and song, and paid little attention to the times, or its investment.
As often happens in these stories that sounded midnight. On the twelfth strike his fancy clothes were torn and her elegant carriage turned into a pumpkin. All his things and all his friends disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared.
It 'very sad butvery important lesson to be learned here. Sure, everyone has the right to be big and to achieve and realize those dreams. The universe is infinitely rich. The pie is big enough to take the size of a disk, as they wish.
But while eating the cake, be sure to pay close attention to the bakery.
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