Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How To Get Rid age spots on the skin

dreaded spots on the skin often appear on the back of the shoulders, arms, hands and face. You can see them on the legs as well. Seem to appear overnight, but in reality it took years of bad habits that have long practiced a lifetime supply. Tend to be circular, but may be irregular. Are flat and range in color from light brown to deep brown. Any unusual skin changes, but you should see your doctor to be reported.

The cause ofage spots or liver is usually suspended from sunlight. Tanning and see beyond the attribute only for the amount of age spots you want. Without proper skin protection has always been damaged. There is a theory which may be a damaged liver, a poor diet or an excess of free radicals also cause these spots to appear. Your genetics play a role in the equation.

You can prevent age spots to protect themselves from harmful rays of the sun. With sunscreen,Limit your time in the sun and wearing protective clothing will all reduce the chances of damaging your skin. Drink plenty of water, eat fruit and train a lot and green leafy vegetables regularly. Build up your natural defenses to maintain healthy skin. Avoid sugar, preservatives, fats, tobacco, alcohol and caffeine.

There are ways to get rid of age spots you have. You can bleach them beauty cream and hydroquinone cream fade. Methods include professionalMicrodermabrasion, freezing, chemical peels and laser surgery.

Some folk remedies are natural potassium vitamin E, beta carotene, selenium, zinc and vitamins E and C. Rub pure fresh lemon juice into the skin and can dry naturally, followed by a good moisturizer every day until the stains fade can also help. Yogurt and honey facial treatments can also help fade age spots.

There are many options to choose the elimination of skin damage. You can only cover upmake-up for a temporary solution, using natural remedies, or removal professional bleaching techniques. You must remember to change their habits in order to continue to not damage the skin, eat healthy and sunscreen will help a lot. The good news is that New Age spots are reversible, and you do not have to live with them.

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