Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Today, man is the dominant animal on the planet. Our ancestors were ape-like animals live in trees. Scientists have jointly composed with great care given our history of fossil bones in the rock, a vision of what seemed like our ancestors have given. Remains of their tools and weapons are evidence of how they lived. There are still many mysteries, but also new discoveries to add to the story.

Scientists believe that a small ape-like creature called Ramapithecuswould our ancestors. This animal lives in forests 14-6000000 years old, and probably slept at night in the safety of the trees and just got on the floor during the day. A lot of time, which sank on all fours, legs, back legs, but sometimes have gone on their own, the distances to collect food for young fruit trees can. This is one of the main differences between us and other animals, the fact that we walk on two legsinstead of four. Scientists believe Ramapithecus is the ancestor of our form of it jaw and teeth, which were more like a human than an ape.

About 14 million years ago also lived another creature like a monkey called Dryopithecus, scientists may be the ancestors of modern apes. Life in Africa three million years old were about different types of hominids called ape-man, that name comes from the word homo, man. A hominid species wasAustralopithecus and there were different species. The highest growth is not more than about 1.5 meters, and its brain was only half as large as ours, but they could in their two legs to walk. They ate fruits and plants, birds, and probably the eggs when they get the chance, they had to steal.

Livingstone was also another called Homo hominids had brains larger than Australopithecus, and scientists believe one was a direct ancestor of man. Homo was a meat eater, where small groups driven slowlyAnimals move, sick or young. It is possible that the stones used and large branches, killing them. develops very slowly over millions of years, and changed and hominid remains found in eastern Africa, have found traces of the instrument of our ancestors. Scientists have called Homo habilis, which means easy to handle people who thought that Homo erectus is an early member of a group more famous.

Homo habilis is the first of our ancestors, to learn and use bothInstruments. Helicopters were simple stone and fragments of stone cutting, where the production of such tools of science and technology of today and also outside the shelters first. These were made of twigs and branches, stones and rocks are to support it, would be given greater protection from the elements and wild animals sleep during the night. And as a matter of interest, because they did not know how to make fire, the flesh was torn to pieces and eaten raw.

There are few remainsto show how Homo erectus developed gradually, but we know that about 250,000 years ago, a new type of people lived, and were Homo sapiens, meaning wise man, and this is the group to which we belong, and there are some species of Homo sapiens.

The Neanderthal people were heavy and stocky guy with strong muscles and a receding forehead and lived mainly in Europe during the last glaciation. You need to have a hard time, because at that time, much of Europe wascovered with ice and snow all the time.

The first fully modern people appeared in Europe about 40,000 years ago, and these people are called the first Cro-Magnon, according to the place in France, where their remains were found. Scientists are not sure what happened to the Neanderthals, may be because the Cro-Magnon had better tools and weapons to kill and traveled in large groups can, or that they have issued on the hottest time the iceAge over.

In addition to being good hunters and artists of the Cro-Magnon people, many other skills. They made the needles from reindeer antlers chips, which used to sew animal skins for clothing, and do not have cotton thread as we use them, but used the strips of leather or gut. The Cro-Magnon added beaded jewelry, bracelets and pendants from many things, like stones, shells and bones, are so because they were often buried with them whenhave died.

He took a careful study to put together a lot of ideas about the evolution of early humans, and new discoveries often mean changes in these ideas, nothing can be taken for granted. And living as a civilization on this planet, humanity with the knowledge and technology that we know today, and growing rapidly, and who knows what will develop in the distant future, for the flights, the extent to which we have already anticipated .

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