The platform shoes are men who have thick soles. platform shoes were worn in various cultures in ancient times. Now that your platform shoes are worn high fashion for men in general, and more. The soles of platform shoes Men are often made of wood, rubber, plastic or cork. platform shoes that have wooden soles are also called "clogs" called.
In ancient Greece, the protagonists of the greek theater wore platform shoes to increase their height. L 'Men> Europe during the 18th century wore platform shoes to avoid the mire of urban roads.
Men's platform shoes were popular in the United States in the '30s to the early 50's. platform shoes faded from the fashion industry, but are back in the 70s to late 80s (this was during the disco era "). men's platform shoes are usually worn in parties and clubs. During this time, the wedges a success.
Platform Shoeswere mostly of young men sought to attract attention. Platform shoes give additional height and without the discomfort of wearing high heels.
There are different types of styles of men's platform shoes that were popular in the '80s and '70s. These include espadrilles, sneakers, boots, sandals, boots and shoes. Popular Shoes platform in this period have soles made of cork, wood and plastic. The designs and styles of platformShoes began evolving within this era. The most popular of these styles are the comfort platform shoes. Comfort platform shoes that had walked out of the market generally designed as sneakers, platform shoes are the height added comfort and support platforms, the fit and comfort of a sneaker.
Most of the style of today's platform shoes were from 1940s and 50s eras. Although the platform shoe fashion in the late 60s, some even back in fashion duringlate 1990 and early 21st Century.
Today, the platform shoes men always have their own space in every shoe store.
Buffalo Boots was the most famous brand of shoes of the 90 men's platform. While there are a pair of platform shoes on the market today that have colorful designs, are available in platform shoes look a bit more 'conservative. Most of the platform shoes that are now on the market is growing, by height instantaneous. rafts doSupport three inches bigger. Some of the designs to platform shoes have soles that men seem normal, are hidden inside the shoes and the shoe a. The platform shoes of today are lightweight and comfortable than the platform shoes of the 70s or 80s era. So if you want, and it looks great for this moment to grasp it 's men platform shoes and go down.
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