Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. This is a very rare form of skin cancer, but very aggressive. Recent data published by the National Institute of Health show an increase in melanoma among young women (15-39) in the U.S. in recent years. It is likely that the increased incidence is linked to an increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation. UV light is a mutagen. This means that changes in DNA that controls cell growth causesand turns them into cancer cells. Melanin is a pigment in the skin that absorbs UV radiation and protects the tissue and under the skin. people darker skin have more melanin than fair-skinned people. The melanin-containing cells called melanocytes. If a cancer of melanocytes, it is called melanoma. Other types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinomas - squamous cell carcinomas are by far the most common, but much less lethalMelanoma.
Australians have the highest rate of skin cancer worldwide. Australia has only 0.3% of world population, but 6% of fatal skin cancer. This is probably due to the large number of fair-skinned people exposed to tropical conditions and tropical sun. In their study at the NIH, investigators found that the incidence of melanoma among young people in the United States has increased 7.7 to 4.7 cases per 100,000 people between the shape1973 and 2004. In young women during the same period, the incidence has increased much more rapidly from 5.5 to 13.9 cases per 100,000. Probably because young women are much more likely to use sunbeds.
The good news is that deaths from melanoma among young men and women continued in 1981. The reason for the decline is probably due to greater awareness of the disease and changes in screening techniques. There is an interestingnew technology developed in Australia called the Solar Scan. The key is for the advanced solar scanning software. A camera on a suspicious lesion is acute, the image is made and then stored and analyzed the software. Solar Scan not only allows a quick diagnosis, gathering images and compare the data over a long period of time so the doctors suspected lesions for months or even years to control.
Living in the sun or tanning, is the best way to protect yourself from skinCancer. If this is not possible, a proof clothing is the next best option. creams and lotions protect your skin to reflect or absorb UV rays. Signs and symptoms of melanoma, a new job on the skin, a body that is changing in size or color, or mold growing. Itching and bleeding symptoms. An interesting fact is that the melanoma has spread the most common form of cancer of the placenta in a pregnant woman. ADermatology and the type of doctor who is concerned about a job, or simply want advice, a full evaluation of your skin.
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