No need to look at hundreds of dollars to spend and feel better. Improve your image actually require little effort, time and money. Note the following tips the next time you prepare for the big job interview or special occasion.
1. Always iron your clothes before the big interview. If you're like me and you hate to iron, you can take the shirt and pants to the cleaners and will wash and iron clothes for you. You'll look so sharpas a tack in your freshly pressed clothing. approximate cost is $ 5.00 for the dry cleaning a shirt and a pair of pants.
2. On warmer days, wear light-colored fabrics that breathe (cotton linen, cotton, etc.). This absorbs less heat and "sweat stains" are less visible. More and a white T-shirt worn under the shirt. You will look professional and your shirt will not stick to the skin when you start to sweat. Approximate cost: $ 7.00 for a package of white 3T-shirt.
3. You need not have hundreds of dollars for his shoes, so you spend to look good. Some guys forget details, but shiny shoes show that you care for the entire image. You can buy a sponge brush to sell in most shoe stores. Even when buying a new pair of shoes for your work before you take to heal and toe caps, moved to the next shoe repair. Approximate cost: $ 10.00 for a sponge brush and heal / toe protectors.
4. IfWearing a belt to ensure that it is the same color shoes. Also, do not always wear white socks with dark shoes. Try matching socks, shoes. Approximate cost: $ 6.00 for new socks.
5. Try to cut the armpit hair in warm weather. less hair means less bacteria and less smell. Approximate cost: $ 5.00 for hair clippers.
6. Remember, every day before brushing flossing. The gums healthy and your breath smells good, because you're removingtiny food particles between teeth. Fresh breath is the habit of care invisible or break your image. Keep a package of peppermint with you at all times, especially before the big interview. Approximate cost: $ 3.00 for dental floss and ticks.
7. Has anyone ever told your feet smell? Well, it's time to get around this problem, and should be treated fairly simple. Scrub your feet daily and dry them thoroughly ... ensure that you are between the fingers. Put a coupleOdor-Eaters insoles in his shoes to add, moisture and odor. This is a good suggestion for the summer. Approximate cost: $ 5.00 for Odor-Eaters insoles.
8. Do not forget, these hands are developing your routine care. There is nothing that looks worse than nails a well-dressed man, with long fingers and dirty. Take the time to clip your nails at home. The nails should be worn short with just a little 'white showing at the end. File your nails to give them a smoothat the end. Approximate cost: $ 4.00 for nail clippers and nail file.
9. Clean and protect your skin is extremely important, even more so in the summer months, when you spend more time in the hot sun. Use a face wash (no soap!) With salicylic acid to help prevent acne. Use a moisturizer with sun protection factor of at least 15 before going out in the sun. This protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays that can cause damage to the skin. Approximate cost: $ 12.00 for cleaning andMoisturizer.
10. A fresh haircut immediately changed the face of a man. So I cut a week get mine! Get a new hair cut 1 to 2 days before your interview. It will help you to look nice and professional. If you have long hair is pulled back in a ponytail from her face. Approximate cost: $ 15.00 for a haircut (a Super Cuts!).
Try these tips and I'm sure your friends, relatives and even your future employer will notice. Good luck!
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